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Some patterns are available on sheet sizes OTHER THAN A0 sometimes called a Copy Shop File, Wide Format, Single Sheet, Etc.


If your pattern says Copy Shop AND A0, it is A0.


We will print your wide format patterns on the material of your choice.


The price is calculated per foot. 


You will find the dimensions of your .pdf by hovering in the lower left corner of Adobe Acrobat.


Your By-the-Foot print will be 3 feet wide.  To order--

  1. Select your material
  2. Calculate the length in Feet (Round Up to the nearest Foot)
  3. Enter the length as your quantity


There is a 10 foot (125") limit for a single sheet. Files that exceed this size will be split into 2 sheets keeping all pattern pieces intact.

By-the-Foot File Printing

1 Foot
  • Pellon 830 Easy Pattern

    • Non-fusible, nonwoven interfacing that is designed for use in pattern drafting and tracing. It is perfect for altering, duplicating, and tracing patterns. It can be folded and pressed with no creases. It is the perfect choice for patterns you will use over and over again.

    18# Translucent Paper

    • Similar opacity to tracing paper.

    20# Bond Matte White Paper

    • Think good quality office photocopy paper. It is opaque and durable. 
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